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Birth Injury

A birth injury is a tragic turn of events for any family that was looking forward to welcoming a healthy child into the world. Even under the best of circumstances, delivery is hard on both mother and child. Complications during childbirth are common but when medical professionals commit errors it could leave a child with a lifetime of hardships. The consequences could be severe physical and mental health impairments.

The birth of a baby is supposed to be a time of great joy and celebration. The trauma of an injury to a newborn or the mother is devastating to a family.

How Can We Help !

Medical personnel are trained to identify and react to conditions during pregnancy, labor, and delivery that can cause severe injury to the mother, the child, or both. When they miss something important or don’t react quickly enough, the consequences can be catastrophic. Nothing can reverse the damage done to you and your family from birth trauma, but families of children who have been injured by medical malpractice have multiple real, practical concerns that must be addressed.

How Do You Know You Need a Lawyer?

Not only will you be recovering emotionally from the terrible tragedy you are facing, you are also going to be in the middle of one of the most difficult and complex forms of litigation. One of the most important issues surrounding birth injury litigation is finding the fundamental cause.

Healthcare providers must respond quickly in a crisis, and any hesitation or mistakes when faced with unexpected bleeding, umbilical cord entrapment, or signs of fetal distress can result in a devastating birth injury or even wrongful death. Additionally, some birth injuries are caused by malfunctioning medical equipment, or improper medication. Typically, these injuries are caused by unnecessary trauma to the mother or child Some examples are: Prescriptions that harm the mother while knowing she was pregnant; Using too much force during the birth process such as pressing too hard when using forceps; Knowingly depriving the child’s brain of oxygen before they are able to breathe on their own; Improperly use of medical equipment or pharmaceutical medicines;