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Slip and Fall

A slip and fall accident can happen on any commercial property. These types of accidents are often preventable, and property owners have a responsibility to keep their premises safe and warn visitors of dangerous conditions. Evidence for slip and fall cases must be gathered quickly as the conditions that caused your accident typically don’t last very long.

Report the incident to the property owner immediately. Gather contact information of any eyewitnesses of the accident. Take pictures of the hazard before the property owner has it fixed. Save all evidence related to the accident, including shoes and clothing. Take photographs of all injuries suffered from the fall. Obtain a copy of any incident report from the property owner. Keep copies of all medical bills and keep track of all time missed from work.

How Can We Help !

Owners of a business, house, or land owe visitors certain legal duties to keep their places reasonably safe from possible hazards and to provide you with reasonable warnings to you about those dangers.

How Do You Know You Need a Lawyer?

If you’re injured while shopping, eating out, on a business trip, traveling on vacation or other common outings, you need an experienced premise liability attorney. Medical expenses resulting from slip and fall accidents can also be costly and, if you’re unable to work due to your injuries, you could lose a significant portion of your income needed to pay those bills.

If dangerous conditions are obvious, the case may be more difficult for you. A large hole in the sidewalk presents a reasonable expectation for you to use your own judgment. Property owners will often claim that there was proper notice or the conditions were obvious in order to avoid paying compensation.